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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Train Wreck

Have you ever started out thinking one thing, catch yourself thinking about something totally different at the end, and then try to retrace your train of thought?  I do that, A LOT!  Or I will be thinking something and have an odd look on my face, James will ask me what I am thinking about, and when I tell him, he says "How did you end up thinking about that???"  Then I actually have to tell him how I got from point A to point WEIRD THOUGHT. 

Well, we were laying in bed last night, and he started laughing and told me about a small random thought train of his own.  So I said something like "You have random trains of thought too!"  So he says "I have as many as you, I just don't tell people about them like you do."  And then he proceeds to say something along the line of - It's better to keep your mouth closed and have people just think you're weird then to talk and have them KNOW you're weird.  So, that got me thinking about being weird, and I will share a bit of my train of thought and tell you how I finally got to thinking about playing football with John Elway. 

  1. Started out thinking about being weird, and how I tried to be normal for so long that my weirdness seems so much worse. 
  2. That got me thinking about pearls of marriage wisdom.
  3. That led to thinking about working out with James and how nice it is.
  4. Which led to me thinking about what I am going to do at the gym tonight since I can't run for a while.
  5. So then I started thinking about getting on the elliptical, and I can get some reading done in Born to Run.
  6. Which then led to me thinking about how I was at the place in the book with Scott Jurek and how Amanda's husband got to run with him Monday night (so cool!)
  7. Which made me think about how Amanda must have felt about having to stay home with the kids when both she and her husband wanted to meet him and run with him. 
  8. Then I thought about what James and I would have in common like that.   I think it would be akin to my getting to go interview Kevin Smith while James stayed at home.
  9. So I started wondering if there was something I would be envious of if James got to do that I didn't.  Which led to my thought of him getting to go meet John Elway.  But it wouldn't be just meet - like Amanda's hubby got to RUN WITH SCOTT!  So it would be if James got to go play football with John Elway!  Ooooh, I would be super jealous.
  10. Then, I started thinking about my getting to throw a ball around with John Elway.  Would I be able to catch a ball thrown by him, or would I make a fool out of myself? 
  11. Then that made me think about my stupid ankle, and I realized that it was throbbing and really hot.  So I stretched my feet out in the bed to find a cool spot to rest my ankle, and that was when I found a pair of panties at the bottom....
  12. AND THAT IS WHERE THE THOUGHT TRAIN WRECK HAPPENED!   Ahhh, the end of it.  Then I was just wondering about the panties.....
So, there you go.  My weird train of thought. 

Hope you enjoyed the journey......  :)

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