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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cat on a hot tin fireplace

My cat Clause loves the fireplace.  We hadn't been using it for a few years because the boys were young and we didn't want them getting burnt.  But now that we are, Clause lays near it at night just waiting for us to turn it on.  When we do, he turns back and forth to make sure he's getting both sides as warm as possible.  I have never seen an indoor animal do this before, so he cracks me up everytime he does it.  Cute, huh?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I have really large veins.  It sucks that they are close to the surface and look weird (to me).  But, it's nice that nurses are able to find a vein quickly when they are drawing blood. 
Tonight's quandry came about because I was flexing and looking at how bright my veins were.  James thought I was showing off my muscles and showed me his.  His veins aren't as dark, and he said that it was because his skin is darker than mine.  "Hey, I'm white!"  (Nfl bad lipreading)   So that made me wonder...  Is it harder for a nurse or dr. to find a good vein on a black person vs. a white person?
Politically incorrect?    Well, sorry.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Life's little victories

I successfully made a cheese sauce!  Every other time I have tried it, I have made it too thin, too thick, grainy, etc.  I just couldn't figure it out!  No matter how many times I watched my mom do it, I just couldn't execute it properly.   But this months Food Network Magazine was all about cheese.   50 mac and cheese recipes,  grilled cheese recipes, cheese bread,  cheese cake,  etc.  The best edition of the magazine to date. 
Plus, it was an easy clean.  It is now Grammy time and the kitchen is clean,  dishes done,  fireplace on, and glass of wine in hand.  Whoo hoo!