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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ooooh, more random thoughts....

1) My favorite part about getting my Glamour and Cosmo magazines is the smell of them.  The mix of the different perfume and cologne ads is intoxicating.  Even mixed they smell great.  I love re-reading them for that particular reason. 

2) Teaching a boy how to shower is just as awkward as teaching one to hold his penis while he pees.  I know he won't do it correctly for years, but I still work hard to teach him the correct way to do it.  Even after 3 years, I worry that Dylan is actually getting clean while showering.  I put Aaron in the shower with Dylan the other day and Dylan struggled to do it correctly, but he has been doing it by himself for 3 years.  How long could it possibly take for a boy to learn to shower?!?!?

3) When you (a girl) are on the toilet peeing (yes, random), do you sit erect, or do you hunch over?  A comedian several years ago, I can't remember who, said that women look like they're waiting on a bus.  And I thought about that tonight as James was standing in the doorway as I was peeing.  Do I have a different look when I am going #1 as opposed to #2?  Just curious.

4) Kevin Hart, the comedian, has a bit where he says when women fight, they sing their words.  "I WISH YOU WOULD, BOO BOO!"  So James has been saying that lately, and he just happened to walk by the boys saying it while they were eating their snacks and both of them said "BOO BOO" after the "I wish you would...."  We both died laughing....

5) Saw the post "I'm not the girl next door, I'm the bitch down the street."  Crap, I actually am the bitch down the street, but due to my polite nature, everyone just thinks I am the girl next door.....

6) When you're with someone all the time, you tend to speak the same.  For example, we walk with another mom and her 2 kids to and from school every day.  This morning, we were on the corner waiting for 2 brothers that we pick up along the way.  After a couple of minutes and they didn't come out, we started to cross the street to keep walking towards the school.  As we were in the middle of the street, the 1st grader came out and yelled "WAIT".  As if on cue, Kristen and I both turned on the spot and yelled simultaneously "CATCH UP!"  And then we turned to each other and cracked up laughing.  Then my first thought was really childish - '"Jinx, buy me a coke!"

7) When I was a senior in high school, I started eating ice.  I had done it before, like if I finished a drink and there was ice leftover. My dad had always done that.  But about then, I started eating a JUST a glass of ice. It kept me from snacking and gaining weight, which I was terrified of.  That habit literally lasted until after I was married - so, like 5 years!  I stopped when I finally had a house with air conditioning and it was too cold to continue.  I had always thought that people thought I was totally annoying by doing it.  And really, I would bet 90% of people I was around hated it.  But James said that he missed it, and it was strangely romantic.

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