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Friday, April 13, 2012

Creature of Habit

Some would call me anal, but I prefer the term "creature of habit".  Sounds a lot better, right?  I do the same things every week and the routine of it just helps me assure that it gets done. Friday morning, I get up and immediately strip our bed and put the sheets in the wash.  That way, when I get back from the walk to school, they're done and ready to be put in the dryer.  Then I can take a shower and put the towels in right after I am done.  I wash the whites next, my clothes, and then James' clothes.  It's a good thing I work from home, because if I didn't, I don't think all of it would get done.  Well, I know it wouldn't because that is how it used to be when I worked outside the house. 
When I was young, my mom had this routine set up for us as well.  Every Saturday morning we would have to get up and spend the whole morning cleaning and doing laundry.  We all pitched in and it got done.  Okay, we as in my mom and siblings.  My dad never cleaned anything in the house that I can recall.  I really can't wait until the boys are old enough to do that.  I am getting a little sick of doing the majority of it myself.  I have started to spread it out during the week since we have gotten into our weekend routines.  The last thing I want to do it give up my Sat/Sun naps to clean - I look forward to those all week long.  And now I can have Dylan help cleaning their bathroom.  The pee everywhere is so gross!!!!  I don't pee on the floor, so why should I be the one cleaning it up?  Wow, I took a left turn there and just kept right on going.
Part of my "anal nature" is that all of the towels have to be folded a certain way and put away a certain way.  I even have a routine for how I pull the towel off the rack and dry myself off so that when I am done, the tag is in the right place for me to fold it and put it away.  I'm not crazy, really....  I have a certain way I load the dishwasher and it kills me when I go to unload it and the stuff is not where it should be.  That is probably why I do most of it myself.  The saying "if I want it done right I will do it myself" is so me. 
Okay, I had better get back to work......  Or maybe go make some lunch.....

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