So, my ideas of random thoughts pop up all of the time, but I am rarely at a point where I can blog about them. Here are some things I have thought about.....
If I could be invisible for a day, I would go find out things that guys do. The stuff they talk about with their friends - "We don't really talk about anything!" Yeah, right?! I want to go into guys bathrooms and locker rooms so see what they are like. Yeah, Yeah, I know, you all are thinking "She just wants to check out guys...." Yeah, I do. I want to find out how guys use urinals - we don't have them, so they fascinate me. I want to see how guys act when they go in there, how the layout is, how many use the stalls vs. the urinals, and how many of them really wash their hands. I would ride in cars with them. Get in their heads to hear what they are thinking. LOL - like the movie "What Women Want", but instead, "What Men Want".
Was I really ever so young and dumb that I would walk around outside when it is 16 degrees outside without a coat in a short sleeved t-shirt???? Teenagers seem so dumb to me now.
I really did want to run the Cupid's Undie Run this past weekend. Now, I am not an exhibitionist, but I think it would be a ton of fun to watch all of those who are. The guys in banana hammocks or boxers that you know they bought special for it. The girls that bought outfits that flatter them, but then won't mind if later they are left at the random guys house that they met at the bar after the run. I am sure that I had no business going. It was probably just for a bunch of single people looking to do something good for charity, fun for themselves, and meet other hot single people. But I really wanted to do it just to say "I ran through downtown Denver in my skivvies!" One of those things that I know I am going to regret not doing in 10 years.
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